Snow Day

Today is the beginning of a national blizzard! Here in the PNW we are being snowed and iced in. Everyone is canceling appointments, meetings, even getting to the hospital is a challenge (just ask my daughter). The birds still keep arriving, though, especially since my spouse and I put up several bird feeders. thrushes, bushtits, jays, juncos, flickers, crow and hummers are feasting on thistle sunflower seeds and suet blocks. We have to change the hummingbird feeders sugar water every hour because it keeps freezing. It's 18 degrees F for heaven's sake!

swarming the suet feeder in Vancouver WA!

Right now I'm working on the details of making the website work, so I can continue to post and even get some readers! I'm working on several writing projects, which is exciting. Now to get the word out! Also radio spots and a show on storytelling (which needs attention). I'm hoping to start teaching storytelling again at a local theater. More to come on that. But first, the domain and platform and getting them linked. I am not savvy in these technical circles, but that's changing to. OK gotta go check the hummer feeder.