Getting there....

Getting there....
Photo by Martin Sanchez / Unsplash

Slowly but surely getting my feet wet in this medium. My younger colleagues (GenX'ers--not so young to some, but def to me, and some Millenials) know this about web design, HTML, posting, embedding, all things that are kind of foreign to me, a little out there. Even kind of magic since in my prior career I was in video, back when quad tape was still in all the big studios, though it was being faded out. I mean that was before VHS and BetaMax... But now us poor slobs at home can sit here and have access to incredibly powerful networking and editing tools, tools that used to take a building of people and lots of money to reserve time and expertise to create your little video. Now we can do this in our pajamas, and have great looking images, detailed formatting, looking ever more professional.

It's kind of like the huge bump-up in professionalism given to public school teachers who no longer had to publish their handouts on a mimeograph. Yes, we even used carbon paper to make copies! The remnants of which remain with us in email when we "cc" someone or carbon copy them. But with actual printers, then laser printers, then more advanced media, our teachers didn't look like also-rans, they looked, actually, like the professionals they are... And that's how so much of this technology feels to me, making me look pretty good.... though I have to learn all the terms so I can keep up and not be too uncool... Still I'm amazed and delighted and also still at the very beginning of this journey.

Quick catch up: I have 29 characters already in my radio story on a forgotten, somewhat magical and whimsical Pacific NW town. I would like very much to put them into a novel. I have three threads that I'm following: the first discoverers of the magical cove, a fictional faction of the Nez Perce tribe (fashioned with great respect); the later discoverers and inhabitants, from the early Spanish explorers to the Brits that settled it and their progeny; and the newest discoverer, a middle-aged woman reporter who has lost her job, found this space and its many stories and starts a newspaper and all that entails (meeting all the residents, getting them to tell their stories, discovering the town's secrets, deciding what and what not to divulge). I like them all, but weaving them together is a challenge.

Your thoughts welcome, I think there's a way for you to message me on this site. Anyway, that's my plan. So if it's not there now, it'll be there soon!