Friday Jan 12

I haven't been able to get back here to spruce up this site as I have been working hard, writing my play! It's been through multiple iterations, but now has a pretty clear Step Sheet. I started the dialogue without it and it was starting to meander. I know it will evolve as I go along, but it feels good to get it to this stage. It's a comedy that talks about hoarding, life, death, memory, aging parents, inheritance... but mostly about what to do with all the STUFF! one collects in a lifetime, even if you're not a bit of a hoarder like some of these characters. Sweet ending, too.

I have been interrupted a bit because my daughter had to go bak to the hospital again... her infection just won't seem to clear. I am leaving in a few moments to visit her at home; she has a plan to head to the ED tomorrow depending on how the night goes. So much pain ands much to deal with in someone so young (22). My heart breaks for her most days. On good days she is so much fun, even confined to a wheelchair, with a great attitude and sense of humor. I'd like to help her be able to maintain that or at least have many more of those days.

In other things, started studying Spanish (again...) this is a more formal course, because I hope to go to Spain this summer as an English teacher. We are not supposed to speak anything but English to the students who are learning, but it is so important to at least be respectful in knowing some of the native tongue.

My other writing projects are out there too, the Health Notes blog and the ongoing adventure saga, and the beginnings of a murder mystery... more on those as I get more down on paper, er, media ? And I'd like to get the web site looking good so I can pursue more storytelling and narrator work. Always more to do.

Finally, I soaked dried beans overnight which resulted in lovely, creamy stewed beans today. Nice to cook from scratch! Kinda like creating plays and stories, eh? Can be a bit of effort: always requires mindfulness, but is ultimately engaging, rewarding and sometimes delicious!